
Implementation of a system capable of encryption and decryption of multimedia data (Text, Images, Videos, Audio etc.) using a hybrid model based on the amalgamation of symmetric encryption techniques such as AES and asymmetric techniques such as ECC.

View the Project on GitHub dhvanilp/Hybrid-Cryptography


This repository contains an implemntaion of this Paper


This paper mainly focusses on the implementation of a system capable of encryption and decryption of multimedia data (Text, Images, Videos, Audio etc.) using a hybrid model based on the amalgamation of symmetric encryption techniques such as AES and asymmetric techniques such as ECC.


The encryption process occurs as follows, and the decryption process is the reverse of the same. Image


This is an apllication made using Django and NodeJs, which is based on encryption and decryption process mentioned in the paper.

Run the Django application in virtual environment inside Enigma directory

python manage.py runserver

Also run the node.js server from Enigma/nodejs

node index.js

So this is what you need to do after both servers are live:

The rest of the things will be handled by the servers. And the download link of the decrypted file will be available on the receiver side with appropriate alerts.

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